It was an intriguing play,
Everyone knew what to say.
Except you. Here comes the freeze
Why can’t you let go with ease?
I saw when you were dedicated,
You followed what the mass dictated.
And now, the sparkle from your eyes disappeared.
When it came, no one was prepared.
You are not capable enough to hide the desperation,
Maybe next time, you will know how to handle the situation.
But for now, you have to be professional, hold on,
Play along with the other lies until they are gone.
/*After all, every line is a little white lie,
You believed it, just because you don’t need to justify*/
I know that the world is a cruel place,
That was the reason why you were hiding.
But I see the expression on your face
When in what you believed, now it’s collapsing.
It’s time to rebuild what’s already lost,
Even when it comes with a cost.
When the curtains will finally fall,
And the tension hopefully drops,
Your empire will collapse
And beneath, I will find the real you, perhaps.
Szekér Imola XI. R