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  • Writer's pictureHerczeg Zsuzsanna

The little princess

Once upon a time, there was once a princess called Lavender. Lavender loved lavender very much, because she was named after that flower.

Once, the little girl went into the woods to pick herbs for herself. But while she was picking the plants, she got lost and started to fall. The little girl searched but could not get home at all. Then he sat down at the base of a tree and began to cry. She thought she would never get home again, but then she saw some colored light not far from her, and when she started to go toward it, the light moved, and the girl followed it until she got home.

When she snuggled into bed, all she could think of was what a magical thing it might have been to escort her home: a dwarf, an elf, or a sentry? She did not know that it might have been something magical and kind.

Herczeg Zsuzsanna V. A

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