Sometimes distance is necessary for the balance in nature,
Sometimes we need to step back to see the bigger picture.
You came into my life, just like another season,
And I am still wondering what was the reason.
Just like summer, everything was sunny,
With you by my side, I knew I was free.
Our limits were where the horizon met the sea.
But as the leaves fell, leaving behind their home,
The wind blew them into the unknown,
We've fallen with the leaves, in silence, alone.
After autumn, everything lost its ease,
The world around us seemed to freeze.
Don’t let it reach your soul, please!
Thanks to spring, what once was lost now seems to bloom,
You became my only flower in a dark room,
Defeating the never-ending gloom.
You came into my life, just like another season,
By this time, I know for sure the reason
Why I am going to wait for another year,
Wait for the picture to become clearer.
Wait for the things in my life to rearrange.
Wait for the seasons to change.
Szekér Imola XI. R
Hát ez clearly megérdemel egy 10est!!!!!
You're so unbelievably talented!!!